These quick-bite peppers stuffed with a mixture of mushrooms and Jimmy Dean fresh sausage and topped with mozzarella cheese make ideal appetizers or a...
This is a delicious chicken-stuffed peppers dish that I made up myself from scratch and my family and I love it. It is simple to make and any guest will...
Ground lamb is the main component for these Greek-inspired stuffed peppers. Add some rice and some traditional Greek flavors like onion, garlic, and fresh...
This is my favorite version of stuffed peppers and super easy! Stuffing with chicken, cheese, and cilantro makes the peppers very flavorful and fun! I...
This is my favorite version of stuffed peppers and super easy! Stuffing with chicken, cheese, and cilantro makes the peppers very flavorful and fun! I...
This is my favorite version of stuffed peppers and super easy! Stuffing with chicken, cheese, and cilantro makes the peppers very flavorful and fun! I...
Green bell peppers are filled with ground bison, cooked brown rice, tomato sauce, and seasonings, then baked for an hour with additional tomato sauce and...
Momma's Peppers...Whenever my mother prepares this Stuffed Bell Pepper dish, everyone in the family finds an excuse to 'drop by' for a visit to my parents'...
These stuffed bell peppers with rice are worth a try! Ninety-four percent of all stuffed peppers are made because there's leftover rice around. You can...
With two picky eaters who LOVE sloppy joes and an overabundance of green peppers from my garden, I came up with this family favorite that also incorporates...
This is a very beefy recipe for stuffed peppers, so be forewarned! We like to cut the peppers lengthwise, making shallow boats out of them instead of cups....
An old family recipe for classic comfort food passed down to me by my mom. Green peppers are stuffed with a mixture of ground beef and rice then smothered...
An old family recipe for classic comfort food passed down to me by my mom. Green peppers are stuffed with a mixture of ground beef and rice then smothered...
With two picky eaters who LOVE sloppy joes and an overabundance of green peppers from my garden, I came up with this family favorite that also incorporates...
Green bell peppers are filled with ground bison, cooked brown rice, tomato sauce, and seasonings, then baked for an hour with additional tomato sauce and...
This dish looks beautiful and tastes like you cooked all day. Any combination of green, yellow, and red peppers works well; I use all three for color....
I never liked stuffed bell peppers until I ditched the green ones and bought some red, yellow, and orange 3-packs instead. Replacing traditional rice with...
These are slow-cooked stuffed peppers. Red or yellow bell peppers can be used instead of green. Italian diced tomatoes can be used in place of fire-roasted...